
Friday, June 24, 2011

I can feel my bachelor's degree age as it hangs on the wall above my CD collection from the 90's which also serves to collect the dust.  The dust in this house is even familiar.  Pet dander from years past and who knows what all bacteria living in there.  Probably worlds of bacteria just on the rim of the picture frame surrounding the 8x10 certificate from Louisiana State University in Shreveport, College of Education, Department of Psychology.  I won't tell you the year exactly but I was a December graduate.  I tried biology first, then psychology, then some chemistry and even art for a while but I eventually settled on finishing a psychology degree after 7 1/2 years of working night jobs to help pay living expense and doing lots of Tuesdays and Thursday classes and staying up late nights in order to finish assignments.  That's a long time to be in school. 

Now I can feel that degree get older and hopefully appreciate in value as my experience in the field begins to mature.  I also have been reigning in expenses for the last couple of years and soon I hope to buy a car.  Soon, years away but it feels like soon and the pace things have been going.

Perhaps more troublesome is the idea that my employer may be going out of business before my grand ideas about career as case manager for the homeless fully takes flight.  Seems the director is getting older and thinking about retirement.  There's also the notion that a major north south interstate will be continued right through the neighborhood in which the institute is located.  Sooner or later the doors will probably close as they are unlikely to name me director, nor should I be able to accept such a job.  Case management is one thing but directorship of a non profit sounds a little bit too much like too many hours work for not enough compensation.  I like my time off once in a while, "thank-you-very-much."

Things weigh heavy on my mind like that.  Thanks to space music I can relax right through such anxiety once I get home.  Nutty as things get, I do well to not overextend myself intellectually.  But I have my ideas sometimes. 

Welbourne character cant quit smoking and loves to bowl.  He's everything but well-born socially, but he has always taken his name to heart and looks to women's liberation movement during the 70's with great nostalgia even though he had been in the army at the time it was all going on.  Sort of like forest gump I guess I think of Welbourne as a southern gent want to be type a lot like certain pieces of me.  Imaginitive and hard working more than inteliigent or truly industious, welbourne sites verses from song lyrics like they were messages from above.  People admire him because he is tall.  Everyone greets him in public and smiles but he never gets phone calls or emails.  He wonders why more people dont seek out his keen opinions on foriegn policy and the energy crisis.  He wonders how to make a good sandwich fit into a low carb diet.

A funny branch of Economics has become the relegion of the new world order by the time welbourne is near 80.  People are allowed to ban together and go back to nature all over the planet on a large scale.  Back to nature meaning anarchy in large part and simple patterns revolving around information sharing and processing take over as the need for real paper money and / or gold deminishes like fog yielding to a bright morning in the spring meadow.  What has happened is that energy has become free like information did around 2020.  Ten years later and the need for money just vanished and it fell off the body of humanity like a broken toenail.  Overnight, Welbourne was not a rich man any longer.  Yet he had more access to energy than money could have bought in previous years.

These are my ideas.  Please steal them and litter the streets with my funny way of saying things.

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