
Saturday, June 11, 2011

It was 99 again today in Shreveport and bright outside.  I stayed inside all day and tried to shake off the stress of looming inspections and the need to organize my thoughts and my files better. 

I went to a great friends house and had fish fillets yesterday with Henry.  It was he who invited me.  Being vegetarian, Henry only eats fish and vegetables and eggs.  I eat all that stuff plus meat.  I will eat almost anything put before me these days.  The refernces in past blogs has been to Andrew Zimmern in Bizzare Foods on the Travel Channel.  People have nearly lost fingers if as they put gourmet food before me, I hand back an empty plate fast if the food is really good.  That was pretty much the case at Jeff's house as he and Renae cooked for me and Henry.  As the corn in the cob burned, then we all sat and laughed as Jeff got drunk and started to make less an less sense.  It was late.

Today, not so much going on.  I am trying to begin practising mediation again and succeeding.  The most difficult thing is to begin.  Once things begin to quite down with each passing moment.  Moments become minutes and then half hour is gone.  Wait, did I fall asleep sitting up with my eyes open?  The full of my minds eye takes in a gulp of memories.  Mixing them with a steady vision of tomorrow's trick of consistency with time and the illusion of scale when moments become years.  Did I fall asleep this last decade.  "Rivers always reach the sea" (Ten Years Gone by Led Zeppelin).

Whatever matters most is that which is left after the unimportant has been chiseled away.  Free the spirit of the artist, not the gnome trapped in the granite.  Faith and Spirit must they always revert to supernatural definitions?  Look at the atheist Soviet government and wonder why they failed to be relevant to their own people.  Another good question there I have no intention of trying to answer.  I am lazy on politics because I have earned the luxury of not needing to know about politics.  I need to know very little really.  Things like how to cook.  How to iron a short or change the spark plugs on a lawnmower. 

These things I need to know but what does the state of affairs in Russia really have to do with me?  Absolutely nothing.  It is akin in that sense to the price of tea in china.  Academic my dear Watson.  And so I defer to some greater database than myself and ask YAhoo and Google.  Its a plus for theists that there is a benefit for the arguement in favor of the existence of God.  The benefits of faith contribute to the social success of the governement and human motivation is hard wired in the brain to understand the realationship with the Creator.  The natural desire of humans is to assume there to be a Creator of it all, until recently when science and technology and overcrowding and pollution and the need to recycle and unite in a world we travel through faster each year.

Motivation and the belief in God.  Do highly successful people believe in God?  No always.  Only certain regions and fields favor those who believe in a diety.  However no everyone believes in a uniform supernatural being  The supernatural is always anthropomorphized into the personal god of a largish group of people.  I dont know but that has always seemed a little humorous to me.  My bottom line is that I just dont know.  Don really need to know.  I will lead the best life I can and hope that the supernatural if it is really deep into the creation of this reality, then maybe I will be rewarded with peace in eternity of nature rather than vision of hell.  Motivation to keep myself from going bonkers. 

But seriously, how does this Faith stuff work when it comes to accomplishments large and small too?  I have tried things with faith and tries things without faith.  I have faith in Nature at this point.  That seems to be better than faith in nothing.

The need to organized and excerie some elbow grease on my jobs filing system. As we speak I am making lists for tomorrow and I hope to complete most of the task on the list in 3 hours or less.  Spirituality.  I like Indian music both the subcontinent and the native American versions of Indian music.  The Tao.  Om. 

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