Sometimes I think that if "It" makes any sense at all, it is the sense that I put to it that matters. Unfortunately I am lately not so good at making sense stick to "It" very much at all. Or maybe it is I that doesn't make much sense and perhaps I can blame "It" for not making much sense stick to me!
It troubled me as I drove around Shreveport this morning in a parish van from which all the decal had been removed before it was donated to us. I drove around with 65 year old James. We carted pastries and leaky bottle of fabric softner from food banks and grocery store rejects to damaged items that no one else wants but somehow, the poorest of the poor find use for.
Smells were the most prominient thing about today. On the gasoline powered bus to work I smelled wintergreen chewing tobacco and sweat. Walking down the block were the smell of flowers and creosote in the building ammonia and imitation perfumes. Upstairs where I work it smelled like stick deodorant and wasp spray. Im thinking about adding these smells to me list of things I can use to describe my favorite cheap wines.
And there still isnt much sense to our universe -- whether panspermia or alien astronauts or exogenesis theories are sought, we just cant know. Yet as human we feel and intuit that there is something more out there. We feel our destiny is in the stars of the heavens and we are willing to risk the whole wad on the proposition that we can migrate upward ad infinitum. I object like many to the huge expenses on space exploration unless there is something that we are not being told. I know. Conspiracy theory. Your right. But that is how I feel. Sometimes the only thing that makes sense is the idea that life is cheap and ubiquitous throughout the galaxy. Hey I might even say throughtout this universe life is abundant. Lets just say that and see if that helps our feelings helps our understanding of human motivation. We are returning to the womb of intergalactic space from the incuator of Planet Earth. Hummm.
What if someone put humans here apart from the animals? What if they are coming back to see how we are doing? WHat if the alien scientisitst are studfying us like cells in a Petri dish? How does that feel? Maybe the fact that we "feel" anything at all is what it takes to buy our freedom from destruction or perhaps worse intergalactic slavery!
Ah conjecture. Ah space music. Easter! The human spirit! Life! What wonders are there about this reality which we have yet but glimpsed? I think we do exploration because we are curious not compelled. I dont believe in space aliens much of the time. But when I do entertain the idea I try to do so in spades and push the envelope -- develop a new theory or coin a phrase.
I drove around today and listented to PT on NPR and KRMD-FM All American country. I remember the time i gutted my first fish as we drove across the brideg over Cross Lake. Things are so very big. My need to know is very small.
The president gave a speech about raising the credit ceiling today and keeping certain things on a level that the general public can understand. He is not a very gifted extemporaneous speaker. I hope his rhetoric is not just another campaign move. I felt stupid for listening to his speech on the radio live. He caused me to feel that way by adressing his remarks to the lowest common denominator which it is doubtful might even listen in or follow his speech live in the first place. He had to clarifity what BBA meant in regards to a budget amendment. I thought that was cute, but unnecessary. He is young. He mentioned turning 50 next week. Fine. Our president wants to be our friend. Charming to have flaws. I am just grumpy because economics is impossible to predict and I keep expecting the Chinese to take over or something.
Overall the week was good and I am glad I got off my ass and did "It" before "It" did me. Ha!
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