The mind can play tricks on us. It is all a matter of perception and makes us question things like reality. Complicated stuff. I train myself to avoid attacking things like the nature of reality from a traditional philosophical or western stance. I far prefer the leaner fillet of philosophy that eastern cultures offers, especially zen Buddhism. I ask myself what do I like sen so much and I am reminded by things like thunder and rain and the night sky. What is the nature of reality? A tree, a bayou (or brook) that flying duck, the moon, the spiral galaxy (here my understanding breaks down.) That's the easy explanation for reality is that it is the concrete stuff all around us.
The simple complexity of nature is real. The fact that the mathematics of nature permeates our bodies link us directly to the concrete all around us everyday. I wonder sometimes if the supernatural is really all that necessary an entity. In the same breathe I can wonder if we will ever totally be able to divorce human nature from the idea of supernatural connections. I wonder if all this talk about extra dimensional membranes may just be a scientific way of invoking the supernatural.
I laugh when I read that the Vatican is meeting with leading astronomers to decide what to do if / when life is discovered be it ever so humble on another planet or moon. It took hundreds of years to get the fact that Earth revolves around the Sun and not vice-versa straightened out and like 30 years later ground is given up about our Uniquely alive planet Earth. That is fabulous progress for humanity! So with progress like that I think we will begin the next phase of looking at science and asking scientist for answers to more "spiritual" question. I am going to enjoy the unfolding of the next few chapters of Krista Tippett on Being to see how science draws not only on Buddhism but also on Judeo-Christian traditions to formulate the kinds of answers we need in the 21st century.
- The need to feel connected with things that are important, verily, knowing which things are important to us;
- the need to feel connected with a more diverse population of humanity;
- the necessity that we be able to cope with said diversity when it is thrust upon us by technology.
- The fear of reaching out into that very technology being so small one part of the big big picture.
- The mind must be the universe in microcosm and maybe we are all just a thought crossing the mind of an extra dimensional pulse of high energy traveling faster than the speed of light.
- Thanks to the Universe we live in for such good science fiction.
- Participating through technology and taking one day at a time.
- working with the idea that lists help things make more sense ;)
- Notice how there are no numbers on this list of things that clutter the mind
- Dont forget to listen to your Stephane Pompougnac
- Why is the spiritual so often associated associated with music? Another good question worth answering... " if only I knew" seems to be the best I can do at this point.
- Obviously I am having too much fun with my need for a nap in the 100 degree heat just outside my window, so I will stop now.
- read something cool and try to explain it to me in the comments section below
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