
Monday, September 7, 2015

On fire

Click click.  :)

I am like "on fire" tonight.  Really can't sleep.  Lucky it is Saturday/Sunday.  Oh well, so much for making it to church.  I never make it to church anyway.

janlo surpreated furit compawere.

tired and not making any sense.  Not code.

Old Seinfeld episodes are sunning through my head and I am amazed that Seinfeld is in the auto spell.  I am amazed at a lot of things these days.  I am so amazed I have eyes in the back of my head and remember my past life as a cave man.

This is all just a rouse.  Afoot is the game of life
It ripples across time
Through the void

We are a node on a wave train
Bound for unknown destinations

And singing