
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aliens with their own Higher Power dilema

It is late again and I am thinking about what might have been so long ago before I was born.  Somewhere between alien astronauts perhaps visiting us when we were little more than monkeys come out of the trees.  May be aliens caused the last mass exinction of the dinosaurs because they saw where that was going in an evolutionary sense.  Intelligent dino-dudes are apparently easier to get rid of when they are but unintelligent lizards and the like.  Humans are far less threatening to space faring races than those dreaded intelligent evolved dino dudes, they might have been thinking -- lets bomb the place where they are incubating and come back a million years later to see what happens next on the blue marble of a planet called Earth.... 

Well a miilionyears is a long time and here comes earthlings!  But they will never make it out of the caves, so lets give them some help with things like technology.  Wham bam here comes religion too.  AH HA!  Instant hooey from that point forward you might think.  Or maybe not. 

Maybe you think that religion is hooey and space men are what we all mistook for gods and angels.  Why would an intelligent space faring race let the mistaken ideas about their divine origins persist unless they too had a Higher Power with whom to reckon?  Oh ha ha.  Answer me that will you.  Maybe they realized that there is a creator even above the aliens -- someone who created our space aliens, and they kind of were flattered when we mistook the former for the later.  Wouldn't you be?

So now we have a bunch of flattered advanced being who are asking the same theological questions that there little human friends are asking from the deserts and the caves and and mud huts etc.  How did we ALL get "here"?  I think the curiosity to try answering that "unknowable" may be the best motivator we have as an intelligent species.  Perhaps when all of Pandora's plagues are put back in the box, the only question remaining will be how did we get here to begin with and where do we go after death.  I wonder if our hypothetical alien progenitors ever got to the bottom of that one.

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