
Friday, April 29, 2011

well that last post was certainly a workout.  i was a little chilled to re read what apparently just poured out of my distressed mind that night.  The philosopher and organ grinder thing really kind of made me laugh but then I see too much Tom Waits scenarios in it.  What was that about?

The smell I think comes from the fields of abandoned lots near where I work.  When it rains they do have this smell of rotten vegetables which is not entirely disagreeable.  I am not sure where I got the idea that it smelled like old cheese in my neighborhood.  Bizarre foods and an appatite for cheese I guess.  Maybe straw and mushrooms would have been a better decription.  But I wanted it to be an evil smell like burning flesh sickly sweet etc.

Foremost I admit it was self-indulgent>  But thats what blogging should be all about in my opinion.  Oh I have a long way to go as a writer.  I can justify most of this only by the therapuetic benefits of making shit up for strangers and friends to laugh about and scorn me for writing.  It makes my skin thicker as a writer and I dont worry so much about what other people think.  It also improves my typing skills and build a lot of creative ideas in a searchable format digital even.

For one day when I do embark on writing that novel or story or whatever it may be and when I inevitability have writers block I can thumb through these pages and remember how crazy ideas once poured from my pen as well as analysis of my own version of reality.

There are you know many versions of reality each instant can be its own infinity like a still photo taken.  But that may be another blog all together.  Rest assured that your boy the bayou bird is still hanging onto some threads of sanity despite all attempts to push me over the edge I cling to eternal truths such as debts taxes and death.  The will to repay is often the only thing that keeps me going!

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