
Monday, April 18, 2011

Henry and Tim crash India Night at the University

Dude:  Thanks for phoning in you comments Saturday.

Everyone else:  I like this Kiran Arwuhalia song for some vision of rice fields in Thailand at dusk.  Never even left Louisiana in years though.  I must be recalling a Rambo movie scene or just trippin'  HA!  arwuhalia is apparently the same person as

Kiran Ahluwalia

who appears in wikipedia here. if you google the above name you get a lot more info.  Click the face typography above for link to google search for that name.
Then if you click on the name below you perhaps get some different results...

It took me all night to figure that out. 

But I realize now the rice paddies are supposed to be in India and not in Thailand.  Oh well.  Must have been the beef burrito I ate while watching Rambo save more POWs that gave me such a vivid image of sunsets.

Og course I jest.  Its just that India and or Thailand are so far away.  It is both easy to imagine and very difficult to believe my imagaination may be anywhere nearly approximating the real thing.  I would be the same me that I am in SHreveport I guess, only I would be far away, but not like on a different planet.  Easy to imagine a sunset there.  Much more difficult to imagine what on earth I may be doing in India or Thailand than it would be to simply imagine standing there and watching the sun set.  The question then is what do i do NEXT?

I would probably be trying to make my way back to lovely Louisiana.

The indian music was very good last night and the food was terrific indian food.  I am fond of the mailai kofta little vegetable balls in a orange cream sauce which is pretty hot from all the peppers.

Henry though it was funny that the music sounded a little like dueling bajos.  It was Hindustani music and folkish during th esecond half with lots of visual genstures between the musicians as they took us on a flight of imagaination around the musical tones from India and as they gestured I could see they were engaging in musical calculations and navigating through mathemeatics and logic to bring the audience safely to a fitting conclusion>  Buffet diner was available for some 23 tables.  I found great pride in telling the lawyer beside me that I worked for the poirest non profit organization in town and got in to the prestigeous company that evening for free.  I must have smiled at every woman there twice also.  Did not drink a drop, chatted it up with the neighbors from down the street who I havent seen in 10 in years an drove Henry home in his own car.  It was fun.

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