
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Haircut day

Hey this nice woman named Sydni gave me a haircut I really like.  Now my locks are long and tame for a few more weeks.  The only problem now is that I haven't eaten diner.  Since I have a mild form of diabetes that may develop into a problem as the evening wears on.

Man I love any woman named Sydni just about.  It's all in the spelling of the name I guess.  What man can resist a woman who cleverly transposes the "y" and the "i" in what is traditionally a male name.  It's all about being sexy and strong and yes a little bit more clever than your average female.  The fact that she liked my Zeppelin t shirt only underscored her above average intelligence and good taste.  Yes, I hope to return to see Sydni to get my manly locks trimmed as often as possible now.  More often than every four months at least.

The rest of the day today was a little bit less exciting.  Just work and meetings and riding the bus and driving the Mattie-mobile (my mom's car.)  I have gotten to where I prefer to ride the bus I think because a quarter tank of gas set me back twenty seven and 50 today.  The bus ride one way was only a buck and a quarter.  So I dont mind the bus -- as long as I am not in a hurry.  And as long as its not raining; or too hot.

But food.  What is good to eat when you have to consider cholesterol and carbohydrates and calories.  I eat a lot of grilled fish and chicken.  Almost no breads.  No milk even though I love the stuff so much I try to fool myself into thinking soy milk comes out of a cow.  Salad.  Strawberries.  For some reason I like peanut butter and white corn tortillas and chicken or fish.  Buckwheat noodles are good too.  Oh yeah a boiled egg every now and then is not the end of the world.

McDonalds french fries are like the assassin hiding in the shadows.  Each cholesterol drenched morsel a ninja sworn to clog my otherwise pristine arteries.  But alas in the real world there is even a small flirtation with death by ninja.  Nina the french fry ninja at McDonalds.  The thief set on breaking my heart.  For real.

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