piano competition was great. Chopin Prokofiev and Saint Seans in piano concertos. Of course no recording was allowed. Each of the three got great applause. The final was best in my opinion but I didnt have time to stay and hear the results. I dont know who won at this point. But in my opionthe green painist at the end playing Saint Seans was the best. The San Franscisco native in red was a strong second and the first performer was a respectable third. I just like the third piece of music by far the best.
This morning I helped move lunch and dinner for 300 from Giuseppe's restaurant to the soup kitchen. When I got there I found that the Dan Garner band Shreveport All-stars was practicing there again like they do every weekend now I guess. The play entertainment fopr the homeless and hungry to dine by and dance to. I heard the pay "where are you going to sleep tonight" They are a blues band you see and the likes of Victory Williams Howlin Henry Robinson and Randy Cassel and many others play there in the afternoons. No alcohol is served or even allowed but the music gets everyone to dreaming big and trying to shape up their lives. Myself included.
Classical music has a way about it that nothing produced today can come close to.