Oh well. Can't sleep now. Listening to HOS and reading a random sampling of Other People's Blogs (OPB) My gosh I kind of hate reading OPB's They are not nearly as much fun to read as they are to write (blogs that is.)
Why would I want to read the blog of a stranger? Maybe they have some novel way of expressing themselves I thought at first. This could be but most OPB's seem to be focused like a laser on their own small lives> It is like reading the diary of a stranger picked at random. I hope my blog doesn't read like that too often.
But then I also discovered that there is a limit to how much space all this blogging can take up before they (blogger.com) starts charging us (bloggers) money. I have discovered that there is a huge culture associated with blogging especially about all the techno links an ads and templates and javascript and html codes etc. It is not a simple thing. Times are changing fast. All this wouldn't have even been possible say ten or twelve years ago. Now it can all be done through the iPhone I guess.
Let me just say that if I get all sophisticated and start posting tons of pictures and videos, just slap me. Man! I try to do this in a literary sense. I try to work at what I write and wryte about what works for me to keep things in order in my mind. I am attempting to do something organized here and as usual my sense of organization is all haywire compared to Betsy Sue's sewing blog or Jim Smith's blog about his mountain bike adventures or countless families all celebrating Christmas is Appalachia somewhere. Ha! I falls just short of making me queasy all this cutesy mixed with technology and I wonder what on Earth they think people are doing looking at their perfect life as consumers of the blogspot!
Oh I shouldn't really harp on them too much> I realize they have in many cases extended families, but why do they insist on leaving their personal photos of Christmas and stuff on a publicly accessible website? Do they think I have never seen a family celebrating Christmas before? Maybe somewhere in China or the Middle East someone is looking at their blog going "Danhg it! I must move to America and learn to celebrate Christmas in the snow and take cute little pictures of my 2.4 children and my new car or else...." Maybe the public blog is their way of witnessing to the Earth about the blessings they have received for whatever reason. I dont really know.
Sometimes however I think that these people that do that sort of blogging just don't know how to make their personal family blogs limited to just their families. Sometimes I think they are accessible to be in all their multitudes because these posters just don't know anyone and everyone is looking at their Christmas and birthday photo albums. Sometimes I think they don't know the rest of us really don't care and wish we could be spared the random glimpse at their cookie cutter approach to happiness and get on with cooler things!
Just kidding y'all. Sort of.
I don't know. I try not to hate. Hate is bad. But is it ok to hate haters? To hate Hate itself? I think not. Hate consumes positive energy and positive energy is what keeps us all alive. I think, as I listen to this electronic music that sounds a little bit like a dijeri-do drone that when I release hateful feelings they evaporate into nothing and positive energy has a chance to grow in its place.
The larger picture of the Universe is a cycle of light and dark. In simple terms there may be no morality in Nature itself. Science would seem to dictate that Nature is a flow of energy and matter. But people like you and me are plagued by feelings and subjectivity. We must make judgments as a consequence of our intellect and we have limited resources to draw conclusions about what types of decisions we should make so we rely on values. It's all obvious to most adults that there are two distinct classes of all things -- good things and bad things. Unfortunately for us, the boundaries between these two classes can get hazy and confused.
I mean the more subtle aspects of knowing good things from bad things that everyone has had trouble with sometimes. Sometimes in me as well as anyone else, the negative emotions rise up and try to take over. Let go of the negative by all means. Embrace the light side of things I tell myself. It takes practice. For example, I used to curse a great deal. Now, not so much. It is a negative thing to curse. In my case it seems to escalate stress rather than diminish stress or make things any better than they are. After I quit cursing so frequently I worked on quitting other habits that escalated stress and found myself slowly gaining increased control of my life.
Control of course can be thought of as an illusion itself. It is a subjective feeling like almost everything else in Life. The only objective facts have to do with gross physiology and physical properties. A few would argue that even these constant objective realities can be altered and modified by application of things like prayer and positive energy. Calling on a higher power to change something like world hunger or the need for clean free energy would be a true miracle. I believe that we have a chance of making it to such a paradise in this very manifestation of reality> Sometimes I even believe that I will see great strides taken in this direction in my own lifetime.
And I write this on auto pilot. I write as I let go of the negative energy and I attempt to describe the positive as it spreads out through my breathing and through a good posture. My typing improves as I stop thinking about what to write an just let my fingers move across the keyboard and I listen to the music on headphone and I don't hear what the song is about. I attempt to point toward a home run spot in the outfield of my minds eyes like Babe Ruth and smack that last pitch of the weekend over and up into the grandstands without knowing anything about mathematics or economies or even seeing the ball as it hurtles through space with all its precision and inertia and then violently changes direction in a shape deforming impact but it refuses to split at the hand-sewn seams. It flies yes. And it eventually falls to Earth somewhere intact ready to be used again and again sometimes more or sometimes less dramatically. Its just that sometimes I feel like Babe Ruth swinging the bat and sometimes I feel like that traumatized baseball. :)
We read OPB's because I think that as humans we all have voyeuristic tendencies. And sometimes the stranger picked a random is rather interesting. :-)
ReplyDeleteI like your analogy of combining cutesy with technology. Was it technology? Ugh let me find it.. yep, technology.! It made me think of twitter and the birdie icon for some reason. Another thing I liked about this blog is when you wrote "when I release hateful feelings they evaporate into nothing and positive energy has a chance to grow in its place". I can relate so much to that 1 phrase, it would be a whole new blog to explain. Finally, my last comment. It was passed down to me before that typin is indeed a stress releiver, like pounding a pillow your fingertips pound the keys to release the tension and stress. Kudos on a great blog, I really enjoyed reading it.