Not drunk but stupid
and kind of washed out
like a faded very faded
button fly and tattered bluejeans
Nothing particularly bad happened
Just cold weather
Making me stay indoors
And run the noisy central heat
The air smells like baked burned fungi
at night and the gas meter outside
Kind of creaks as it measures
cubic feet and its wheels spin up my bill
My hand itches
and I think of the astronauts
I watched on tv last night.
The phone rings. My friend is on his way home and wants to pick me up. I agree. When I am at his house I get my cap from beneath the coffee table where I had forgotten to pick it up from last nast. My DVD player in the back bedroom has been there since New Years Eve. That is coming with me tonight too. I walk home in the 25 degree weather which feels more like 50 to me because I am just walking about 4 blocks. I live just on the other side of the Baptist Church from his house, which is behind the BBQ place. He doesnt eat meat and cooked brussel sprouts and ginger for himself and he drank some Landshark beer and we watched a docuentary on Jeff Bridges as "Starman" I thought that was fitting since I am on this science fiction kick lately. For some reason my mind just didnt take off with the idea of that 80's movie tonight.
Like I said before I feel kind of tired and stupid and blotto. I will be glad when the 3 day weekend arrives in memorial of MLK Jr. "Its not a day off, its a day on..." I heard on the radio. A day for rallies and speeches and feeling patriotic. One day it may be as big as the 4th of July. I hope so. For now I am just thankful for some down time on the horizon -- time away from all the sometimes rapid fire quasi-emergencies and dramas of work.
I just sit here and type sometimes as let my mind go. Usually I listen to electronic music, but tonight it is quiet and early in the evening. I am about to turn out all the lights for the evening and walk around in the dark if I cant sleep. You will notice about me, I am a writer, not a reader. I avoid reading as much as possible so I can develop my own voice. Its a hit and miss thing right now. Some nights I am right on target, other nights I cant write my own name. Funny how that works. I have also noticed that the blogs I think are great are not the most popular all the time. That's pretty cool that it works out that way. But again, I will leave the studying of such complex and vast phenomenon to some other geeky person who is more in tune with computer science than I am.
Reviewing my strengths in my mind, I cant think of anything special. That's a pretty fair assessment of me because I am pretty darned regular. Tired tired tired and I fell pretty good. I just decided not to go to bed grumpy even though I am tired. I commit myself to waiting until I am sleepy not just tired before I go to bed tonight. No brooding or self-pity. Just sleep and business as usual in the morning. Nothing cute to say or rhyme thing to inflict upon us all just a little common sense about how to avoid the toss and turning. Write or read does it for me and tonight as usual I pick write over reading. At this point it looks like you picked reading over writing. I hope you get some sleep soon too because I get tired of reading your sleepy babble. Like me you repeat yourself too much when you are sleepy again. :)
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