
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tim speaks

 Listenin to OK Computer in the radio and trying to become like the rainbow of sounds Radiohead leads us to broadcast Love in the terrahterz band across the interstellar domain picked up in the subconscious by the Pineal gland deep inside your dark brain tissue ;ile two entangled lovers for afar

Thursday, March 4, 2021

 ecology ebbs and flows like waves of heat reflecting off the moon.

getting back to minimalism

making it easier to do hard things

how long the bardo

 moms stay her return home and the death watch complete with more meds to ease the crossing

write about diffuculty and trouble?

images from 



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Thinking of Caroline Herschel (1750—1848)
astronomer, sister of William; and others.

A woman in the shape of a monster   
a monster in the shape of a woman   
the skies are full of them

a woman      ‘in the snow
among the Clocks and instruments   
or measuring the ground with poles’

in her 98 years to discover   
8 comets

she whom the moon ruled   
like us
levitating into the night sky   
riding the polished lenses

Galaxies of women, there
doing penance for impetuousness   
ribs chilled   
in those spaces    of the mind

An eye,

          ‘virile, precise and absolutely certain’
          from the mad webs of Uranusborg

                                                            encountering the NOVA   

every impulse of light exploding

from the core
as life flies out of us

             Tycho whispering at last
             ‘Let me not seem to have lived in vain’

What we see, we see   
and seeing is changing

the light that shrivels a mountain   
and leaves a man alive

Heartbeat of the pulsar
heart sweating through my body

The radio impulse   
pouring in from Taurus

         I am bombarded yet         I stand

I have been standing all my life in the   
direct path of a battery of signals
the most accurately transmitted most   
untranslatable language in the universe
I am a galactic cloud so deep      so invo-
luted that a light wave could take 15   
years to travel through me       And has   
taken      I am an instrument in the shape   
of a woman trying to translate pulsations   
into images    for the relief of the body   
and the reconstruction of the mind.
Adrienne Rich, "Planetarium"  from Collected Poems: 1950-2012. Copyright © 2016 by The Adrienne Rich Literary Trust.  Copyright © 1971 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc..
Source: The Fact of a Doorframe: Selected Poems 1950-2001 ( W. W. Norton and Company Inc., 2002 )
Please note: We strive to preserve the text formatting of poems over email, but certain email clients may distort how character indent, line wraps, and fonts appear.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

 The thing is that I tried so hardy to love her goddess hips full of an sullied army of doctors and engineers

Rain #2

 You are Earth

Mother to the foothills and the 

jagged peaks.

Water at the mountains

Snow colored passes

Until green rushes up the slopes

Awakening the giant of the Valleys

And of the coast

With water magical energy blue.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fractional Dimention One

 No Im not going to the Dove again tonight.  Chelsie is having trouble over a divorce. That is not anything I want to accidentally get involved. Just friends. And step back to a safe distance ma'am. So I'm not making this part up Lauren the Super One cashier was definitely flirtatious. She told me she was about to go home.  I said mine is filthy and she agreed that her house must be even filthier (well, maybe I'm making that part up)  I will look for her and get in her line again.  My point is, everyone seems so horny and flirtatious at work and at home.  I must just have sex on my mind. That's a beginning simple as a flower: ecology ebbs and flows like waves of heat reflecting off the moon. 

Gonna make chicken ettoufe from a can when I get back from eye dr gonna shoot a laser beam into my rt eye! I will let you know how it goes.

My love life, I have been over empathizing with modern love.  the doctor will look at my eyes and i think she looks at my soul.  you see i think I wish she could. Skepticism alone holds back my clouding cataracts.

The world seems clear. think of radiohead.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Winter 2021 Snow and freezing temperatures for days

 Louisiana rarely gets snow. Even rarer than snow that melts the next day is a snowstorm like the one we had this week.  of course bridges closed, even the steep hill by Byrd high school had two days closed/  I havent been going to work because of cold and freezing weather all days

Luckily I have a four wheel drive SUV that my sweet cousins in Portland bought for me.  Its a four wheel drive and came in handy during this storm.  I even did a narrated video of Creswell Avenue, and the small hill there on Olive St

my crazy accent

Friday, January 15, 2021

ice and snow

 searching the long lines 

of builder living on scrap hills

left behind at their construction sites

Searching for the Truth

Among a valley full of 

ice and snow

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

 Dec 21 2020. What a day for kisses and hugs, Terri took me to an ancient Indian earth mound near the Mississippi River

So now I'm making alaskan salmon with rigatoni and garlic tomato sauce.  A little spinach salad and banana bread for desert.  i'll take some photos.

It snowed but it was a dud and melted the next day.  I drove around looking at dirty balls of snow stacked up to make a doomed attempt at springing too life.  dirty sno0wballs be damned