
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Indignation of self righteous counter-productivity

Lately I am working on recognizing and avoiding self righteous indignation at work and leisure.  I did not realize how often I suffer from such delusional thinking until Henry and, then later the same week, a co worker also used the phrase "self -righteous indignation."  It gave me pause for thought and I wondered if that is what has been undermining myy career ambitions.  Who knows?

The joke today was a decidedly African American joke.  It is very simple:  "Bye Felicia..."  That's it.  That's the whole joke.  It is an inside joke based on a tv show or movie or something.  I was too amused and distracted to ask exactly where the joke originated.  But what made even me laugh is when a veteran employee heard us use the name Felicia and inquired in his deep voice, "Who's Felicia??"  

We all laughed.  You say "Bye Felicia" to someone apparently when you tire of listening to the babble on or gossip or whatever and he, the inquirer, is a notorious gossiper.  You see how funny that is?  Claro que puede!!  Of course you do.

Just let the ethnicity of the joke slide right by and chuckle about this.  Later I told the night manager, that in England the name Felicity is more common among caucasians than in the US and is based on the same Latin root word meaning "happy."

You know what she said?  Yep.  "Bye Felicia!"  

Arghhh!  A funny one liner for the late Spring 2014.  What do you think?  Did I tell this correctly enough to entertain?

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