
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Indignation of self righteous counter-productivity

Lately I am working on recognizing and avoiding self righteous indignation at work and leisure.  I did not realize how often I suffer from such delusional thinking until Henry and, then later the same week, a co worker also used the phrase "self -righteous indignation."  It gave me pause for thought and I wondered if that is what has been undermining myy career ambitions.  Who knows?

The joke today was a decidedly African American joke.  It is very simple:  "Bye Felicia..."  That's it.  That's the whole joke.  It is an inside joke based on a tv show or movie or something.  I was too amused and distracted to ask exactly where the joke originated.  But what made even me laugh is when a veteran employee heard us use the name Felicia and inquired in his deep voice, "Who's Felicia??"  

We all laughed.  You say "Bye Felicia" to someone apparently when you tire of listening to the babble on or gossip or whatever and he, the inquirer, is a notorious gossiper.  You see how funny that is?  Claro que puede!!  Of course you do.

Just let the ethnicity of the joke slide right by and chuckle about this.  Later I told the night manager, that in England the name Felicity is more common among caucasians than in the US and is based on the same Latin root word meaning "happy."

You know what she said?  Yep.  "Bye Felicia!"  

Arghhh!  A funny one liner for the late Spring 2014.  What do you think?  Did I tell this correctly enough to entertain?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to live without attracting too much attention

Leaving no trace upon the land
Universal harmony
Uncluttered mindfulness
Sleep takes to the dance of dreaming
Ideas pilfered from the other side of consciousness

they drop from my memory like falling stars
Are they not followed far to find the nighttime oasis within?
To see the galaxy of which we are part,
the Earth waters must be deep and still resolving its hazy details
And the moon is a much easier focus of nocturnal reflection

Tell them you saw the stars reflected in the water
We still romance the stillness of the night.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The dystopia phenomenon

Why is the future so often portrayed as dystopian?

Coming down after years of riding the veils
Between the reality in the fractional dimentions in your mind.

You and I,whether we know it or not:
Trapped within childhood spells.
Wrapped up in the distractions from matters at hand
To feel the cosmic breeze and weightlessness of pretense.
To come down from this among people you knew, who are now
Older than you remembered; expected them to be:
Brings a tear to your eye.  And you flee the company of old friends
To reconnect with the ghosts inside your head.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

All Aboard

I was writing yesterday when this science fiction Idea came t me from out of the blue.  So I caught as much of it as possible on paper here.  There's other stuff I have been working on too like just a regular fiction short story but I am way closer to being finished with the intermediate poem here than I am to being finished with any novel or short story.  It will come together when it does.

A learning situation on board an

alien spacecraft with our distant

human ancestors  Say cave men

on a spaceship I think I saw that on

Star Trek once.

They measured the ripples in

quantum probabilities and charged

up a dimensional capacitors to fold

space and get back home.

Quantum interference around

habitats with intelligent life earths

interference pathways are full of

interference as the nature energy

began to network develop like

auroras on the horizon

as Earth shakes and stutters

around the energetic yellow sun,

They told the freshly shaved and

cleaned humanoids everything

about nature and in a wild way they

understood and accepted what the

utter reality of this allsank in to their

prodded minds

Earthlings are no stranger to death

so they accept that one or more out

of 10 may not make beam up/

Hit it with enough force to be just south of cracking that planet wide open and yeah I believe there have been mass extinctions in the past millions o years.  Ain't it great to be human?  But how vain we are sometimes when all around us is evidence connecting what we do directly with nature.  We think we were sewn here by a higher power like seeds of animals brought to life and only indirectly connected with and responsible to nature.  But there we are wrong/

So I am kicked back listening to Brian Eno on Spotify eventually I will go to work.  Eventually I will get home and eventually my eyelids will get heavy and I will fall asleep.