
Friday, June 20, 2014

The Poetry Foundation's Mailing List

I just joined the Poetry Foundation's mailing list online.  You can do the same by clicking here.  I am anxiously awaiting what I hope will appear in my email and snail mail soon.  I write a lot of things.  Unfortunately, I don't read enough targeted material that fits my interests as often as I would like.  Maybe this mailing list will help me, maybe it can help you too, if you join the list for yourself.

You might think I am about to submit all the things I have self-published on this blog for their review.  You would be wrong.  Unfortunately for me, previously published work, even the stuff on this blog and my other one, cannot be submitted for further publication.  "What a bother!" you might exclaim.

Well, I see it as an opportunity and motivation to write more.  Wish me luck if you would like to do so.  And maybe you will see some of my work in Poetry magazine.  Stranger things have happened, don't you agree?  I am so excited....

Don't worry.  I will still self publish comments and such things on this site.  It's just that I feel I have a chance at magazine publication at some point, now.  And I think I have been mis-targeting my ability to write creatively by making my otherwise marketable work available without compensation.

Cheers.  There is plenty more where this stuff has been coming from.