Listenin to OK Computer in the radio and trying to become like the rainbow of sounds Radiohead leads us to broadcast Love in the terrahterz band across the interstellar domain picked up in the subconscious by the Pineal gland deep inside your dark brain tissue ;ile two entangled lovers for afar
Zen Cognition: Far out poetry by various artists.
I get most of my inspiration by focusing a beginner's Zen lens on my local surroundings.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
how long the bardo
moms stay her return home and the death watch complete with more meds to ease the crossing
write about diffuculty and trouble?
images from
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Rain #2
You are Earth
Mother to the foothills and the
jagged peaks.
Water at the mountains
Snow colored passes
Until green rushes up the slopes
Awakening the giant of the Valleys
And of the coast
With water magical energy blue.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Fractional Dimention One
No Im not going to the Dove again tonight. Chelsie is having trouble over a divorce. That is not anything I want to accidentally get involved. Just friends. And step back to a safe distance ma'am. So I'm not making this part up Lauren the Super One cashier was definitely flirtatious. She told me she was about to go home. I said mine is filthy and she agreed that her house must be even filthier (well, maybe I'm making that part up) I will look for her and get in her line again. My point is, everyone seems so horny and flirtatious at work and at home. I must just have sex on my mind. That's a beginning simple as a flower: ecology ebbs and flows like waves of heat reflecting off the moon.
Gonna make chicken ettoufe from a can when I get back from eye dr gonna shoot a laser beam into my rt eye! I will let you know how it goes.
My love life, I have been over empathizing with modern love. the doctor will look at my eyes and i think she looks at my soul. you see i think I wish she could. Skepticism alone holds back my clouding cataracts.
The world seems clear. think of radiohead.